Are sound moderators legal in the UK?
Sound moderators are legal to buy in the UK for air rifles below the power limit. You must be 18 or over to purchase an air rifle. Due to UK law, air rifles cannot be posted. However, you can collect your air rifle with correct identification.
Related FAQs
Q: 1) Is it legal to own an air rifle with a sound moderator in the UK?
A: Yes, owning and using a sound moderator with an air rifle below the power limit is allowed in the UK. However, it’s important to comply with local laws where applicable and only use your air gun for lawful purposes. That being said, this applies to any air rifle, not just those with moderators attached.
Q: 2) Are there any safe storage requirements for air rifles and sound moderators?
A: Yes, it is a legal requirement to store your air rifle securely when not in use. This means that you should keep it locked away in an appropriate container or cupboard when not using it. You must also ensure that all related equipment such as pellets and sound moderators are stored securely with the firearm, as they can be considered part of the weapon itself.
Q: 3) What are the penalties for breaking the law surrounding air rifles and moderators?
A: If you breach any of the regulations governing air rifles or sound moderators then you may have your air rifle confiscated and may be issued a fine.
Q: 4) Why are there laws surrounding air rifles and moderators in the UK?
A: The UK has laws governing the use, possession and ownership of firearms. These laws are intended to protect individuals and communities from potential harm caused by the misuse of firearms. Air rifles must meet power limits as set out by regulations and are subject to stringent age restrictions. In addition, there are various other regulations that pertain to air rifle use, such as where they can be used and who is allowed to own them.
Q: 5) Are there any restrictions on how many sound moderators I can own?
A: No, there are no restrictions on how many sound moderators you can own as long as you adhere to regulations regarding your air rifle generally.
Q: 6) Will a sound moderator affect the performance of my air rifle?
A: A sound moderator can help to reduce noise levels when shooting but it is important to note that this will not necessarily affect the performance of your gun. It may even improve accuracy due to less recoil. However, each air rifle model is unique, so it is best to consult an expert before making any modifications or additions.
Q: 7) Is it possible to make my own sound moderator?
A: No, making your own sound moderator would be a bad idea. All air rifles and air rifle accessories are made by experts to exacting specifications; anything less will result in inaccuracy, and even damage to your rifle.
Q: 8) What is the legal sound limit for air rifles in the UK?
A: Air rifles are not subject to any specific laws regarding how loud they can be. However, general noise restriction regulations do apply. You can avoid this issue by firing your air rifle at a designated range, or away from people, where there isn’t anybody to complain.