JSB Match Diabolo .177 (Lightweight 7.72gr)


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SKU: JSBMatchDiabolo177Light

Product Details

JSB Match Diabolo Light Weight 

JSB Pellets are world class airgun pellets and one of the most popular on the market due to their high quality and high accuracy.

The JSB Match range are designed to be used for target shooting, with the flat head cutting as precise a shot into the paper targets as possible. They are produced in a wide range of variants (weight and diameter), so that they can be ideally produced for every single weapon. The consistency of the weight and dimensions is of the highest possible level.

Ammunition tested by 10 metre shooting. The required result after five shots is a centre to centre of up to 1,5 mm.

Tins of 500

4.5mm – 7.72gr


Multi Tin Discount Buy any mix of tins for money off!
2+ 5%
5+ 10%
10+ 15%

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