About Us
The Wolfman are one of the UK’s leading suppliers of airguns and airgun accessories. Specialising in a vast array of airgun pellets, with everything else an airgunner needs. Our unparalleled service and competitive pricing means you wont need to aim your target anywhere else.
We have over 30 years experience in the Airgun trade. On our website you will find a vast stock of established favourites with exciting products new to the UK.
After over 30 years experience in the Airgun trade, The Wolfman Store are delighted to announce our new website, enabling us to supply direct to the shooting community for the first time. Combining a vast stock of established favourites with exciting products new to the UK.
Over the coming months new lines will be added on a regular basis.
The Wolfman Store will be striving to provide unparalleled service at the most competitive prices.

Returns Address & Details
Unit 10 Dales Court Business Centre,
95 Dales Road,