Can you walk around with an air gun in the UK?

By Published On: 12 May 2022Categories: PCP Air Guns

According to Home Office guidance, it is an offence to have an air weapon in a public place without a reasonable excuse. The guidance goes on to say that “It is ultimately for the courts to decide what a reasonable excuse is. However, it might include carrying a weapon to and from a shooting club, or taking a new weapon home from a dealer.” If you have some sort of membership card, printed-out email, or other relevant documentation proving what you say, then this should be enough—although it may depend on the mood the officer is in at the time.

About the Author: The Wolfman Store

After over 30 years experience in the Airgun trade, The Wolfman Store are delighted to announce our new website, enabling us to supply direct to the shooting community for the first time. Combining a vast stock of established favourites with exciting products new to the UK, The Wolfman Store will be striving to provide unparalleled service at the most competitive prices.

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