Is night vision legal in the UK?

By Published On: 18 March 2022Categories: Air Gun Oil, Scopes

In England and Wales, there are no restrictions on the use of night vision when hunting with an air gun.

There are a few things to keep in mind when hunting with night vision though. First off, you need to make sure you’re hunting on land that has permission from the owner. Additionally, not all animals can be hunted at night. It’s important to check the regulations for your specific area before heading out into the woods. Night vision can be a great tool for hunters, but it’s important to use it responsibly and within the law.

Related FAQs

1) What is night vision, and how does it work?

There are several different types of night vision technology, but all of them work by amplifying the available light. This can include both natural light and infrared light, which is invisible to the human eye. Night vision devices use a variety of methods to do this, including image intensifiers, thermal imaging, and active illumination. This amplification makes it possible for people to see in low-light or even complete darkness. It also allows them to see things that would normally be hidden in the shadows. This can be helpful when hunting at night, as it allows people to spot their targets more easily.

2) What are the benefits of using night vision?

There are many benefits to using night vision, both for hunting and for other activities. Night vision can give you a major advantage when hunting, as it allows you to see your targets more easily while the target can’t necessarily see you. Aside from that, it’s lots of fun to use.

3) Where can I buy night vision scopes?

If you’re looking to buy a night vision scope, there are a few different places you can look, but you can start with The Wolfman. We stock many different kinds of night vision scopes from brands like Pard and HIK Micro, suitable for beginners and seasoned experts alike.

4) Do night vision scopes work with all rifles?

Most night vision scopes will work with any kind of rifle, but there are a few exceptions. It’s always best to check with the manufacturer to be sure. The Wolfman has a wide range of night vision scopes, and our experts can help you choose the right one for your needs.

5) How do you get permission to hunt with night vision?

In order to hunt with night vision, you’ll need to get permission from the landowner. If you have an existing relationship with a landowner in a location where you like to hunt, talk to them directly if possible. Alternatively, ask around at your local gun club/shooting range to see if you can find a connection to a friendly local landowner that way.

6) Are night vision scopes good when targeting from a distance?

Yes, night vision scopes like the Pard NV008P can be very helpful when targeting from a distance. Night vision scopes come with magnification the same as regular scopes, which can be helpful when trying to hit a target that’s far away. Additionally, the increased light amplification can make it easier to spot your target, even at long range.

7) How do you use night vision to find targets from a distance?

There are a few different ways to use night vision to find targets from a distance. If you have a night vision scope, you can use it like you would during daytime hunting. This means looking for movement and scanning the area with your scope. You can also look for reflective surfaces, such as eyeshine, which can be helpful in finding animals that are hiding in thick brush. Finally, thermal imaging can also be used to find warm-bodied animals from a distance by detecting their body heat.

About the Author: The Wolfman Store

After over 30 years experience in the Airgun trade, The Wolfman Store are delighted to announce our new website, enabling us to supply direct to the shooting community for the first time. Combining a vast stock of established favourites with exciting products new to the UK, The Wolfman Store will be striving to provide unparalleled service at the most competitive prices.