Bisley Long Range Gold .22


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SKU: BisleyLongRangeGold22
(4 customer reviews)

Product Details

Bisley Long Range Gold .22

Medium-weight, extremely accurate competition pellet with flat trajectory for medium ranges. Exceptional aerodynamic design for high impact and penetration. Tightest shot groups. Lowest rate of lead fouling and consistent shot spreads thanks to special alloy and lubrication. Smooth.

Recommended for Field Target rifle, match weapon, hunting rifle

Ideal for Field Target, hunting, up to ranges of 50 yards

Tins of 250

Weight: 14gr


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2+ 5%
5+ 10%
10+ 15%

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4 reviews for Bisley Long Range Gold .22

  1. Bill Day (verified owner)

    Purchased some of these just to try in my weihrauch hw 100 kt, AWSOME pellets, hitting beer bottle tops at 40 yards, is now the 100s favourite food, just ordered some more, brilliant

  2. Tim Burgess (verified owner)

    I find these pellets very accurate at around 30 to 40 yards in my S510 carbine

  3. Tim Burgess (verified owner)

    Work with a 30 to 40 yards in my Air Arms S5 10 carbine

  4. Norm

    Got a sample pack of 8 types for my MK 2 Super .22 10 carbine. Bisley LRGs scored 12 / 12 against 10/12 JSB exact, everything else 9/12

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